How to apply filters to the Event/Session Listing block for the Card Row layout
Troy Kasting avatar
Written by Troy Kasting
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created metadata filters you're ready to apply the filters to an Event/Session listing block for the card row layout. Remember the filters can be used in two ways:

1. To pre-filter events/sessions that are displayed with the Event/Session Listing block

2. To allow users to manually filter the events/sessions that are displayed with the Event/Session Listing block

How to navigate to the Event/Session Listing block

First, navigate to your Organization or Business Unit dashboard and select the "Website" tab from the left-hand sidebar. Then select the "Site Manager" screen, then select one of your portal webpages.

Next, locate the Event/Session listing block.

On the Page Editor screen, identify whether an Event/Session Listing block is already present on the page. You can do this by hovering your cursor over each content block/section and selecting the edit icon from the top right-hand corner and confirming the title of the block.

If the page you are editing does not have an Event/Session Listing block, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Add Block” button. You can add an Event/Session Listing block from the “Portal” section. From this screen you can select the layout you wish to use. Filters can only be used with the calendar and card row layouts.

Note! A portal webpage cannot have two Event/Session Listing blocks on the same page.

If an Event/Session Listing block is already present on the page you can change the layout by opening the editor and choosing a new layout from the “Layout” dropdown.

Once you have located the Event/Session Listing block (or added one to your portal webpage) open the editor and proceed to configure the two sections at the bottom of the modal:

Event/Session Filters

Click the "Key" dropdown to select the metadata filter you'd like to allow users to manually filter by. Then click "+ Add Filter". The filters position will be displayed based on the "Filters Position" setting (ie. displayed at the top of the section or in a sidebar).

Pre-filter the listing by metadata

You may wish to pre-filter the Event/Session Listing block and only display a selection of events/session. In other words, you can choose to display only events/sessions that are tagged with a certain filter by default (excluding any events/sessions without that filter applied). For example, say you host events that promote several products offered by your company. You may wish to create three webpages on your portal, each with an Event/Session Listing block. Then you could pre-filter each of those blocks to only display events/sessions tagged with one of the product names. That way you could have a webpage/event list dedicated to each product.

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